Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Two-bit Wingnut Dictators

Biggus Dickus is on Larry King tonight. And even Larry King thinks he's a big, fat liar.

Damn. How bad do you have to be when you can't even convince Larry King?

Big Dick does make some news, however. He backs up Edelman's letter to Hillary calling her a terra-ist enabler.
Staking out a position at odds with that of his own Defense Secretary, Dick Cheney was just quoted on CNN saying that he agrees with a Pentagon official's recent assertion that Hillary Clinton's request for info about withdrawal contingency plans is helpful to the enemy.

In an excerpt from an interview with Larry King set to air later today that was just shown on the network, Cheney was asked whether he agreed with an earlier assessment by Under Secretary of State Eric Edelman, who recently sent Clinton a letter chiding her request for info about the plans as helpful to "enemy propaganda." Cheney's reply: "I agreed...I thought it was a good letter."
Of course he likes the letter. I'm certain he dictated it.

Details VIA TalkingPointsMemo

Also from TPM, a truly hilarious suggestion for Hillary from commenter hwc:
Speaking of two-bit wingnut dictators. Somebody should ask Hillary Clinton whether she would be willing to meet, in Washington or elsewhere, without precondition, with Dick Cheney.
Bravo. The entire democratic field should adopt that one.

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